Keir Stanford

Keir Stanford, January 2019

Epilepsy Foundation New England is proud to choose Keir Stanford as our first volunteer of the month for 2019. Keir has been volunteering at Epilepsy Foundation New England since 2017 as an office assistant. She has worked on mailings, training binders, organizing files, conference gift bags, and most recently, helped in numerous ways for the big move from Wilmington to Lowell, MA. This included lots of packing, moving items, and shredding the paper that builds up too easily. Keir does it all with a smile on her face. Keir is an accomplished soft ball player who graduated from Springfield College in 2006. She contracted encephalitis her senior year at Springfield and due to the traumatic effects of her illness, joined the epilepsy community. Keir has a wonderful sense of humor about the memory and cognitive issues that the encephalitis has caused her. She is quick with a quip or wry observation and enjoys coming to our office to help out and enjoys having lunch with staff.  We enjoy having Keir with us and are grateful for all the help she provides.

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