Gina Condon

Gina Condon, February 2018

Our Volunteer of the Month for February is Gina Condon! Gina has contributed to the support of our epilepsy community in several ways, including facilitating parent support groups, volunteering at EFNE events, assisting with administrative work to help our education trainings run smoothly, helping to make our first adult retreat a success (!), growing awareness initiatives and reaching out to parents of children with epilepsy. We are so appreciative of Gina’s commitment to our foundation, and her assistance in advancing our mission.

Dr. Elaine Kiriakopoulos, Chief Operating Officer and PAB Board Member, remarked “Gina Condon has been a stellar and steadfast volunteer for EFNE. Gina recently participated as a volunteer advocate at the Massachusetts State House, sharing her personal epilepsy story, to make a difference for patients who need legislative change to happen in order for them to be able to access the medicines that work best to control their seizures. EFNE is thankful for Gina Condon, as her warm, positive, empathic spirit and determination to improve the quality of life for epilepsy families is remarkable. Thank you, Gina, for inspiring us all to do our very best to make a difference!”

Jenna Whitney, Volunteer Coordinator, noted “I am so appreciative of everything Gina has done! She has helped out with many events and programs, and is frequently the first one to sign up to help when we announce a new volunteer opportunity. I am so grateful for her dedication, hard work, and positive attitude!”

Thank you, Gina, for all you have done for Epilepsy Foundation New England!

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